Bifocal Lenses

Understand Bifocal Lenses

Technically speaking, a bifocal set of glasses involves a specially designed glass lens that accommodates two different focus forms. Like a camera lens, each glass part benefits the eyes for a certain distance. However, unlike regular single-purpose glasses, the bifocals provide users with two methods of seeing clearly, upfront and at length. 


Interestingly, the idea and concept of the bifocal lenses are familiar. Ben Franklin invented the first pair to accommodate his vision needs. The same viewing issues still exist today, and bifocal lenses still provide their wearers' clarity again in various settings. Read below to understand the benefits of bifocal lenses at Richardson Eye Associates in Richardson, TX.

Why Aren't Regular Glasses Enough?

For example, the most common situation for needing glasses tends to be age. Most people after the age of 40 to 50 realize some loss of vision capability. Known as presbyopia, the ability to see great detail up close, such as reading a paperback book, becomes hard and then impossible. Some folks realize the change as a sudden loss, such as an inability to see well at night without straining the eyes and getting headaches. For others, the change happens slowly, getting worse every few months. Eventually, presbyopia becomes so pronounced you may need glasses or contact lenses to see again.

Another frequent need is accommodative dysfunction. This condition is constant blurred vision. Those suffering from this condition feel worn out and exhausted. In addition, trying to keep your eyes focused while reading up close may result in discomfort.

A third issue is an accommodative esotropia. With this condition, those suffering are already well-established and farsighted. Focusing up close causes the person to cross their eyes to compensate for the original condition. The two create an eye strain that can produce pain, headaches, and vision problems.

Different Choices for Different Lives

With the above conditions and similar, bifocal glasses come to the rescue and provide both relief, flexibility, and vision clarity, whether at a distance or up close. Bifocal lenses come in different types to address needs, styles, and comfort. Some are used sparingly today, being a bit archaic, and others are common. The traditional bifocal style has a clear line and breaks in the lens. Current bifocals incorporate blended techniques with no distinct separation, such as progressive lenses, but the user knows when to use each part.

Visit Our Nearby Location

You can receive top-quality optometry services and bifocal lenses fitting with Richardson Eye Associates at our nearby location. With expert vision and optometry experts, Richardson Eye Associates can provide neighbors and customers with eye exams, diagnosis, and bifocal fitting if deemed the best solution for a patient's needs. If you need glasses, schedule an appointment with Richardson Eye Associates in Richardson, TX, and find out today. You can reach our office by calling (972) 231-3439.


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